
Friday, March 23, 2012

Nursing a toddler Vs. nursing a newborn

Words from Mama Brittany: I am 27 weeks pregnant and nursing my 27 month old toddler. I was thinking today that in a short few months I will get to nurse a squishy sweet newborn again! I am getting so excited to be a tandem nursing Mama and be able to bond with both of my boys in such a special way. As I looked back on my adventure of nursing Oliver I've realized that so much has changed in his nursing habits! Newborns nurse so sweet and innocently, they seem so happy to just nurse and get a full belly. As they approach the four to six month range they begin pulling off more and becoming what I like to call nosy! Oliver was so nosy and had to see what was going on! That's about the time the movement started, the kicking his legs, pulling my hair, twiddling at the other nipple, and grabbing at my shirt. All of this happened so gradually I sort of just went with it and was happy to keep on nursing. It wasn't until recently while thinking of having a newborn to nurse did I realize how very different nursing a toddler and nursing a baby are! I still cherish my crazy nursing toddler, the pulling my hair, hanging onto my shirt straps, little teeth marks in my nipple from the toddler gnawing. But i am so looking forward  to nursing a gentle little newborn again! Looks like my adventure of nursing is about to get a whole lot more sweet!

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