
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Diary of a Lupie pregnancy chapter 1

Words from Mama Brittany:

The first high risk OB (HROB) that I went to was, well she was pretty dreadful. She made it sound like I would be lucky if I made it out of this pregnancy alive. She told my husband and I that " Lupus was the scariest disease on earth" and that "if" I made it to 36 weeks I would immediately get a c-section. When I asked about a VBAC she laughed and called me a tree hugger. She was upset that I was still nursing Oliver, and said I needed to wean immediately, but had  nothing to back up that statement, she even said continued nursing does not cause miscarriages. When she heard I was taking a raw prenatal she just about fell out of her chair. Oliver was screaming the whole time we were in her presence, and He kept saying "Go bye bye mommy daddy we go bye bye" He obviously wasn't found of this lady, and neither was I. So I left the office balling my eyes out and was determined to find a new Dr stat.

I was on the phone with midwives, lactation consultants, high risk obstetricians,and Doula's. A friend of mine suggested a group of midwives who work with a HROB. When I called these midwives they said they would be willing to work with me if He thought I was stable enough. I met the new HROB who I had high hopes for, and guess what?!? He turned out to be wonderful just like I thought He would be! He was honest and caring and said he looks at individuals not people as a whole. He has worked with many lupus Mama's and He is confident that I can try for a VBAC( vaginal birth after Cesarean) and if needed he would perform a gentle c-section.

All my hard work paid off and I am so glad that I am an informed Mama. I am so glad that I didn't just believe what the first doctor told me. She scared the living crap out of me and treated me like a diseased person, no pun intended.

I wanted to share this story because I want people to know that we have choices, we always have choices. Doctors are not God. I would encourage you to search out, research, and be informed. In everything.

I could have bowed to the first doctors wishes and given up my dreams of a more natural birth, but I know better, I've done the research. Pregnancy isn't some disease to be feared as it's portrayed on television. You know with woman screaming and in the hospital, tons of medical interventions, the doctor saves the day kind of stuff. That's great and some woman are OK with that. But I'm not and it took me a long time to heal from my traumatic birth with Oliver. I have rights, my pregnancy is not a disease its a beautiful wonderful natural thing. I am so glad that I was informed and chose to search until I found a great doctor. There are great doctors in the world, they may be few and far between, but they are out there, I know because I found one! Woot Woot!

So that's where I'm at now. So far so good, the baby is measuring perfectly and I've been feeling Oh so pregnant :-)


  1. I am so glad you looked for a new doc too. I hope this baby is healthy and keeps you healthy as well. I am very proud of you for standing up for yourself!

  2. So glad you are as determined as you are!! With positive thinking you can make anything work, and you prove that!!I hope you guys are doing great:)
