
Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Words From Mama Brittany:

Hi Friends! The big announcement is drum roll please................. I'm Pregnant!!!

Let's do a wee bit of catching up. My Lupus started acting up this summer after a month long sinus infection. Daily life became hard, and I stopped blogging. Everyday was a struggle to just get by, and remember I was a WAHM running a daycare with little energetic kiddo's in my home. It was hard, but my amazing Rhemy decided medicine would be the best option for me because at this point in my disease I do not have organ involvement, and before things got worse he wanted to get me better. I fought with the idea because I'm SO not a medicine person, but I was sick and I wanted to feel healthy again. So I got put on a medication. 3 weeks later I got pregnant. Currently I am a SAHM to focus on my health and my babies health. So here I am back to blogging.

I hope you'll enjoy coming with me on my journey through a lupus pregnancy :-) ROUND TWO BABY. ;-)


  1. Congrats to you and Jacob! I am so excited that you prove Lupus doesn't have to take over your life completely! Life no matter what goes on... Praying for an easy pregnancy and a wonderfully, beautiful healthy baby!

  2. Thanks for sharing your blog! Congrats on the next baby process! Here is my general blog-
    I put a link to yours on my new blog list.
    I also have an artsy crafty one

  3. Thanks Shalonda! We may have Lupus but Lupus doesn't have us right? Thanks Nome! -Britt
