So it's Valentine's day! I thought I'd do a little blog about something I love! Can you guess what that is? Oh come on you can guess! Your right it's about breastfeeding! I wanted to write a little bit about the behind the scenes of my love for breastfeeding and how I became so passionate about it. It's not just because the stuff is freaking amazing, breastfeeding is about so much more than the milk!
A long time ago there was a little girl who absolutely loved babies. I was four years old when my two baby cousins were born. I remember helping take care of them, and how much fun it was! My Mum would pick me up from pre-school and little Ashley would be sitting there waiting for me, I loved helping my mom take care of her and watching her grow! I had many other little cousins and babies come into my life and I enjoyed caring for them all. I practically moved into my neighbors home to help her with her three boys. When I was thirteen I worked at my first daycare, and then began some part time nannying and babysitting jobs. I knew ever since I was a little girl that I wanted to work with children. I used to tell my Mom that I was going to adopt all the children around the world that didn't have Mommies to love them, and that I would be their Mommy.
So it's quite easy to see babies are kind of my thing, but how did working with babies lead to my breastfeeding obsession? Some of the children that I cared for were breastfed, but most were actually formula fed. It wasn't until I worked at The Goddard School as the newborn teacher that I really got introduced to breastmilk. I remember asking one mom "When do you plan on giving her real food?" She looked at me puzzled and asked what I meant. I asked her when she would give her daughter formula because I thought breastmilk was only good for the first few months! Thank God this Mama laughed and said " OH Mrs. Brittany, she will never get formula!" Oh how far I've come!
After Jacob and I married I needed a new job and I went back into the Nanny field. By the way can I just say being a nanny was the best job ever! I was really lucky that I got some amazing families to care for! Anyways I nannied for four wonderful children, the youngest were twin babies who were exclusively breastfed. It was an amazing thing to watch those babies grow on just their Mama's milk! So between it all I started becoming very interested in breastmilk. I knew I would breastfeed one day.
When I got pregnant with Oliver I was prepared to breastfeed, as you know Oliver was born via emergency c-section and I was asleep for his birth. I didn't meet Oliver until he was over 48 hours old. He was less than three pounds. I knew I would give him my milk, the nicu was glad they didn't have to convince me! I couldn't hold Oliver too much in those early days, but I could pump my milk and give him the best of me. Pumping my milk for him was something I could do, it made me feel like I was truly a mother.
After we brought Oliver home I had to continue to pump and allow him time to practice and learn at the breast, it took a lot of work and a lot of practice! During this time I was so sick from Lupus but didn't really know it. I was also battling hypoglycemia very badly. My health was not in a good place and on top of it all I got mastitis. I thought about giving up so many times. My body felt so sick and it took a long time for healing. I set out on a journey to find my health again, that led me to be the super crunchy: non vax, co-sleeping, baby wearing, anti circ, organic food eating, gentle parenting Mama that I am today!
As my physical healing was taking place so was my emotional healing. Breastfeeding did that for me. I remember after Oliver's birth I felt so broken, I felt like I had failed my baby for not being able to give him the growth that he needed. He was starving on the inside, so I was determined to nourish him on the outside. For me breastfeeding helped me work through my sadness and guilt. I was in such a dark place for so long but bonding with Oliver and connecting to him by giving him life sustaining milk helped bring me out to a place of healing and freedom. God was smart when He made us to feed our babies in this way, He knew how it would make us feel, and that His babies that He sent us would know all the love in the world.
I can't describe what it's like to breastfeed your child, if you have been one of the lucky Mama's who have experienced it then I need not explain. It's the most magical wonderful thing in the whole world. I am so happy that Oliver is still breastfeeding at two years old. I cannot wait until him and this baby breastfeed together and share in that special bond of love. For a mother to share her milk with her baby, or another baby is an act of love in itself <3
Breastfeeding=Love, and love my friends makes the world go round <3
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Breastfeeding is about so much more than the milk. I am 20 weeks pregnant here and my milk supply is pretty much gone, but look how happy my baby is?!? It's all about the love! |